Kamis, 15 Desember 2011 0 komentar

Most Powerful Pencil Sharpener in History

I always used mechanical pencils when I was growing up as much as possible. I hated having to go to the sharpener and sharpen my pencil. I did indulge in the occasional grade school game of get your pencil super sharp and throw it dart-style into the ceiling though. Naturally, I had to have a few wooden pencils handy for that. We had an automatic pencil sharpener in one of my classes and I really like to just grind my pencil down to a nub for no real reason.

I can only imagine those childhood pencil grinding issues would come back in force with this new drill powered pencil sharpener from C.H. Hanson. The thing has a drill driver flange on the back just like a screwdriver bit does. You slip it into your drill, stick in a pencil, and pull the trigger. The drill spins the sharpener for you and you get super sharp pencils in seconds. Just look at the video and see how awesome it is.

You know you would just be standing around grinding down pencils just because you can. The thing even comes with some pencils in the box for you to grind up and turn into ceiling darts.

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011 0 komentar

History of Pencil

The archetypal pencil may have been the stylus, which was a thin metal stick, often made from lead[dubious – discuss] and used for scratching in papyrus[dubious – discuss], a form of early paper. They were used extensively by the ancient Egyptians[dubious – discuss] and Romans.[1] The word pencil comes from the Old French word pincel, a small paintbrush, ultimately deriving from the Latin word penicillus a "little tail" — pincellus is Latin from the post-classical period

Discovery of graphite deposit

Some time before 1565 (some sources say as early as 1500), an enormous deposit of graphite was discovered on the approach to Grey Knotts from the hamlet of Seathwaite in Borrowdale parish, Cumbria, England. The locals found that it was very useful for marking sheep. This particular deposit of graphite was extremely pure and solid, and it could easily be sawn into sticks. This remains the only large scale deposit of graphite ever found in this solid form. Chemistry was in its infancy and the substance was thought to be a form of lead. Consequently, it was called plumbago (Latin for "lead ore"). The black core of pencils is still referred to as lead, even though it never contained the element lead. The words for pencil in German (Bleistift), Irish (Peann Luaidhe), Arabic (قلم رصاص qalam ruṣāṣ), and other languages literally mean lead pen.

The value of graphite was soon realised to be enormous, mainly because it could be used to line the moulds for cannonballs, and the mines were taken over by the Crown and guarded. When sufficient stores of graphite had been accumulated, the mines were flooded to prevent theft until more was required. Graphite had to be smuggled out for use in pencils. Because graphite is soft, it requires some form of encasement. Graphite sticks were initially wrapped in string or sheepskin for stability. The news of the usefulness of these early pencils spread far and wide, attracting the attention of artists all over the known world.

Although deposits of graphite had been found in other parts of the world, they were not of the same purity and quality as the Borrowdale find, and had to be crushed to remove the impurities, leaving only graphite powder.[citation needed] England continued to enjoy a monopoly on the production of pencils until a method of reconstituting the graphite powder was found. The distinctively square English pencils continued to be made with sticks cut from natural duck graphite into the 1860s. The town of Keswick, near the original findings of block graphite still manufactures pencils, the factory also being the location of the Cumberland pencil museum.

he first attempt to manufacture graphite sticks from powdered graphite was in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1662. It used a mixture of graphite, sulphur, and antimony. Residual graphite from a pencil stick is not poisonous, and graphite is harmless if consumed.

Wood holders added

An Italian couple named Simonio and Lyndiana Bernacottimade what are likely the first blueprints for the modern, wood-encased carpentry pencil. Their version was a flat, oval, more compact type of pencil. Their concept involved the hollowing out of a stick of juniper wood. Shortly thereafter, a superior technique was discovered: two wooden halves were carved, a graphite stick inserted, and the halves then glued together—essentially the same method in use to this day.

English and German pencils were not available to the French during the Napoleonic Wars; France, under naval blockade imposed by Great Britain, was unable to import the pure graphite sticks from the British Grey Knotts mines – the only known source in the world for solid graphite. France was also unable to import the inferior German graphite pencil substitute. It took the efforts of an officer in Napoleon's army to change this. In 1795, Nicholas Jacques Conté discovered a method of mixing powdered graphite with clay and forming the mixture into rods that were then fired in a kiln. By varying the ratio of graphite to clay, the hardness of the graphite rod could also be varied. This method of manufacture, which had been earlier discovered by the Austrian Joseph Hardtmuth of Koh-I-Noor in 1790, remains in use.

In England, pencils continued to be made from whole sawn graphite. Henry Bessemer's first successful invention (1838) was a method of compressing graphite powder into solid graphite thus allowing the waste from sawing to be reused.

American colonists imported pencils from Europe until after the American Revolution. Benjamin Franklin advertised pencils for sale in his Pennsylvania Gazette in 1729, and George Washington used a three-inch pencil when he surveyed the Ohio Territory in 1762. It is said that William Munroe, a cabinetmaker in Concord, Massachusetts, made the first American wood pencils in 1812. This was not the only pencil-making occurring in Concord. According to Henry Petroski, transcendentalist philosopher Henry David Thoreau discovered how to make a good pencil out of inferior graphite using clay as the binder; this invention was prompted by his father's pencil factory in Concord, which employed graphite found in New Hampshire in 1821 by Charles Dunbar.

Munroe's method of making pencils was painstakingly slow, and in the neighbouring town of Acton, a pencil mill owner named Ebenezer Wood set out to automate the process at his own pencil mill located at Nashoba Brook along the old Davis Road. He used the first circular saw in pencil production. He constructed the first of the hexagon- and octagon-shaped wooden casings that we have today. Ebenezer did not patent his invention and shared his techniques with whomever asked. One of those was Eberhard Faber of New York, who became the leader in pencil production.

Joseph Dixon, an inventor and entrepreneur involved with the Tantiusques granite mine in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, developed a means to mass produce pencils. By 1870, The Joseph Dixon Crucible Company was the world’s largest dealer and consumer of graphite and later became the contemporary Dixon Ticonderoga pencil and art supplies company.

By the end of the 19th century over 240,000 pencils were used each day in the United States alone. The favoured timber for pencils was Red Cedar as it was aromatic and did not splinter when sharpened. In the early 20th century supplies of Red Cedar were dwindling so that pencil manufacturers were forced to recycle the wood from cedar fences and barns to maintain supply. Britain went as far as declaring the use of pencil sharpeners illegal to discourage unnecessary sharpening. It was soon discovered that Incense cedar, when dyed and perfumed to resemble Red Cedar, was a suitable alternative and most pencils today are made from this timber which is grown in managed forests. Over 14 billion pencils are manufactured worldwide annually.

 Pencil manufacturing. The top sequence shows the old method that required pieces of graphite to be cut to size; the lower sequence is the new, current method using rods of graphite and clay

Eraser attached

On 30 March 1858, Hymen Lipman received the first patent for attaching an eraser to the end of a pencil.In 1862 Lipman sold his patent to Joseph Reckendorfer for $100,000, who went on to sue the pencil manufacturer Faber-Castell for infringement. In 1875, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled against Reckendorfer declaring the patent invalid.

Drawing of pencil with an attached eraser from its patent application

Lead poisoning

Although lead has not been used for writing since Roman times, lead poisoning from pencils was not uncommon; until the middle of the twentieth century the paint used for the outer coating could contain high concentrations of the element and this could be ingested when the pencil was sucked or chewed.

Grading and classification

Many pencils across the world, and almost all in Europe, are graded on the European system using a continuum from “H” (for hardness) to “B” (for blackness), as well as “F” (for fine point). The standard writing pencil is graded HB. According to Petroski, this system might have been developed in the early 20th century by Brookman, an English pencil maker. It used “B” for black and “H” for hard; a pencil's grade was described by a sequence or successive Hs or Bs such as BB and BBB for successively softer leads, and HH and HHH for successively harder ones.

As of 2009, a set of pencils ranging from a very hard, light-marking pencil to a very soft, black-marking pencil usually ranges from hardest to softest as follows:

9H 8H 7H 6H 5H 4H 3H 2H H F HB B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B
Hardest Medium Softest

Koh-i-noor offers twenty grades from 10H to 8B for its 1500 series; Derwent produces twenty grades from 9H to 9B for its graphic pencils and Staedtler produces nineteen from 9H to 8B for its Mars Lumograph pencils.

The main market for such wide range of grades are artists who are interested in creating a full range of tones from light grey to black. Engineers prefer harder pencils which allow for a greater control in the shape of the lead. This is reflected in the way pencils are packaged and marketed. For example, for its Graphic pencils Derwent offers three packages of 12 pencils each: Technical (with hard grades from 9H to B), Sketching (with soft grades H to 9B), and Designer (with medium grades 4H to 6B)

Pencils graded using this system are used to measure the hardness and resistance of varnishes and paints. The resistance of a coating (also known as its pencil hardness) is determined as the grade of the hardest pencil that does not mark the coating when pressed firmly against it at a 45 degree angle.

Another common method uses numbers to designate the grade of a pencil. It was originally created by Conté and adopted in the United States by John Thoreau, father of Henry Thoreau, in the 19th century. The following table shows approximate equivalences between the different systems:

Tone U.S. World

#1 B

#2 HB

#2½ * F

#3 H

#4 2H
* Also seen as 2-4/8, 2.5, 2-5/10
Although Conté/Thoreau's system is widely accepted, not all manufacturers follow it; for example, Faber-Castell uses a different equivalence table in its Grip 2001 pencils: 1 = 2B, 2 = B, 2½ = HB, 3 = H, 4 = 2H.
The various graphite pencil grades are achieved by altering the proportion of graphite to clay: the more clay the harder the pencil. Two pencils of the same grade but different manufacturers will not necessarily make a mark of identical tone nor have the same hardness.

 A grading chart ranging from 9B to 9H



According to their marking material

Graphite pencils
These are the most common types of pencils, and are encased in wood. They are made of a mixture of clay and graphite and their darkness varies from light grey to black. Their composition allows for the smoothest strokes.
Solid graphite pencils
As the name implies, these are solid sticks of graphite, about the diameter of a common pencil, which have no casing. They are used primarily for art purposes as the lack of casing allows for more interesting effects. They are available in the same darkness range as wood-encased graphite pencils.
Charcoal pencils
They are made of charcoal and provide fuller blacks than graphite pencils, but tend to smudge easily and are more abrasive than graphite. Sepia-toned and white pencils are also available for duotone techniques.
Carbon pencils
They generally are made of a mixture of clay and lamp black, but are sometimes blended with charcoal or graphite depending on the darkness and manufacturer. They produce a fuller black than graphite pencils, but are smoother than charcoal.
Coloured pencils, or pencil crayons
These have wax-like cores with pigment and other fillers. Multiple colours are often blended together.
Grease pencils
They write on virtually any surface (including glass, plastic, metal and photographs). The most commonly found grease pencils are encased in paper (Berol and Sanford Peel-off), but they can also be encased in wood (Staedtler Omnichrom).
Watercolour pencils
These are designed for use with watercolour techniques. The pencils can be used by themselves for sharp, bold lines. Strokes made by the pencil can also be saturated with water and spread with brushes.

According to their use

Carpenter's pencils
These are pencils that have two main properties: their shape prevents them from rolling, and their graphite is strong. The oldest surviving pencil is a German carpenter's pencil dating from the 17th Century and now in the Faber-Castell collection.
Two "woodless" graphite pencils, two charcoal pencils, and two grease pencils
Copying pencils
These are graphite pencils with an added dye that creates an indelible mark. They were invented in the late 19th century for press copying and as a practical substitute for fountain pens. Their markings are often visually indistinguishable from those of standard graphite pencils, but when moistened their markings dissolve into a coloured ink, which is then pressed into another piece of paper. They posed significant health risks (see below).They were widely used until the mid 20th century when ball pens slowly replaced them. In Italy their use is still mandated by law for voting paper ballots in elections and referenda.
Erasable colour pencils
Unlike wax-based coloured pencils, these can be easily erased. Their main use is in sketching, where the objective is to create an outline using the same colour that other media (such as wax pencils, or watercolour paints) would fill or when the objective is to scan the colour sketch.Some animators prefer erasable colour pencils as opposed to graphite pencils because they don't smudge as easily, and the different colours allow for better separation of objects in the sketch.Copy-editors find them useful too, as their markings stand out more than graphite but can be erased.
or non-photo blue pencils make marks that are not reproduced by photocopiers (Sanford's Copy-not or Staedtler's Mars Non-photo) or by whiteprint copiers (Staedtler's Mars Non-Print).
Stenographer's pencil
Also known as a steno pencil. These pencils are expected to be very reliable, and their lead is break proof. Nevertheless sometimes steno pencils are sharpened at both ends to enhance reliability. They are round to avoid pressure pain during long texts.
Golf pencil
Golf pencils are usually short (a common length is 9 cm) and very cheap. They are also known as library pencils, as many libraries offer them as disposable, unspillable writing instruments.

According to their shape

  • Triangular (more accurately a Reuleaux triangle)
  • Hexagonal
  • Round
  • Bendable (flexible plastic)

According to their size

A standard, hexagonal, "#2 pencil" is cut to a hexagonal height of 14-inch (6 mm), but the outer diameter is slightly larger (about 932-inch (7 mm)).
A standard, #2, hexagonal pencil is 19 cm (7.5 in) long.
On 3 September 2007, Ashrita Furman unveiled his giant US$20,000 pencil – 76 feet (23 m) long, 18,000 pounds (8,200 kg) (with over 4,500 pounds (2,000 kg) for the graphite centre) – after three weeks of creation in August 2007 as a birthday gift for teacher Sri Chinmoy. It is longer than the 65-foot (20 m) pencil outside the Malaysia HQ of stationers Faber-Castell.

Senin, 12 Desember 2011 0 komentar

Awesome Pencil Sculptures

Pencils are part of every designer’s tools. You are using pencils to take notes or draw some scathe. I think most of you didn’t know, but sometimes pencils can be part of artwork. Some of designers create fantastic sculptures from pencils. In each pencil sculpture are used hundreds of pencils. Most famous designer how create sculptures from pencils is Jennifer Maestre. Her sculptures are colorful and simply amazing. In this post you can admire cool and interesting pencils sculptures.

120 Pencils

 Flower from Pencils
Rainbow Pencil Urchin top
Sculpture made out of pencils

 A color pencil sculpture

 Sculpture made out of pencils
 Pencils sculpture

 Girl sculpture from white pencils
 The Entire Bear is Covered in Pencil Heads 
 Pencil Sculpture
 Pencil Sculpture
 Abstract Pencil Sculpture
Vase of Pencils
 Pencil Sculpture
Jumat, 02 Desember 2011 1 komentar

When did the pencil come to be the pencil?

It is thought that sometime before 1565, a very large graphite deposit was discovered in England. The locals found that the graphite from the deposit was very useful to mark their sheep. The graphite was very unique in that it broke down into stick shapes, in was very pure and solid.
In 1795 a new method was discovered in creating the pencils, this method consisted of mixing powdered graphite with clay in which was molded into rods and fired inside a kiln. This in turn led to the variations of graphite hardness, which can be seen by the lightness or darkness of the mark left behind on paper. By the 1780’s a company known as the Joseph Dixon Crucible Company was the world’s largest distributor and producer of the graphite pencil. As time went on and by the end of the 19th century over 240,000 pencils were being used each day in the United States. The most loved casing in those days was made of red cedar, an eye appealing and nose pleasing write utensil. The red cedar casing pencil has a great reputation of not splintering when sharpened as well.  Britain had to go as far as declaring it illegal to use pencil sharpeners on cedar cased pencils and manufactures had to recycles old barns and fences to make more pencils of this nature.
Some Interesting Facts and Most Known Pencil Users
  • Thomas Edison loved his pencils so much he had his made specifically made by a company known as Eagle Pencil. Edison’s pencils were to be made exactly three inches in length and the lead was to be thicker than the normal pencil.
  • vincent van gogh a very famous artist would only use Faber pencils.
  • John Steinbeck was said to be a compulsive pencil users. So compulsive in fact it was not uncommon for him to have used up to 60 pencils a day.

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What is a pencil?

Hey all my new friends in this world....i`m written about the history of pencil maybe my description is can make you understood about pencil,,,,
because all of you dont understand about pencil and it history....

What is a pencil?

A pencil is a writing utensil usually constructed from a long, narrow. encased in a protective barrier. The casing traditional made from wood keeps the solid pigment inside from breaking and causing a mess on ones hands. Most pencil cores or there pigment is made from graphite that is mixed with clay, the clay acts as a binder. The point to the pigment is to leave a mark usually grey but can be darker....All of you know its came from slate in the past the humans of prehistoric and they used it for writted in cave......